Eleven Important Ways to Pray for your Children and Grandchildren – Free Printable Bookmark
Do you know how to pray for your children and grandchildren? Or I should say do you pray for your children and grandchildren every day? We ought to. This bookmark lists eleven important and helpful way to do just that. You can enjoy your free copy of this printable bookmark on How to Pray for your Children.
Eleven Ways On How to Pray for your Children and Grandchildren – Free printable bookmark
I have seen this list many places on the internet. I am not sure where it originated, but the first time I heard them was from a sermon preached by my pastor, Pastor Norman Pyle, several years ago. Pastor Norman Pyle retired from Bible Baptist Church, Hampton, GA, in 2003, after 43 years as pastor, and has since been called home to glory. I have taken the main points of his sermon and made them into a bookmark. I’ve also listed the points below.
1. Pray they will be saved.
2. Pray they will hate sin.
3. Pray they will be caught when they do wrong.
4. Pray they will have a responsible attitude in relationships with other people.
5. Pray they will respect those in authority.
6. Pray they will desire the right kind of friends and be protected from wrong friends.
7. Pray they will be kept from the wrong mate and saved for the right one.
8. Pray that they, as well as those they marry will be kept pure until marriage.
9. Pray they will be single hearted sold out to Christ.
10. Pray they will be hedged in so they cannot find their way to wrong places and wrong people cannot find them.
11. Pray God will teach them the great virtue of humility.
I keep this bookmark on hand and am reminded to pray daily for my children and grandchildren; not only am I reminded to pray for them, but I am shown how to pray for them. I would love to give you your printable copy.