Relief Be Still and Know That I Am God

Relief – Be Relieved Today Through Him

Ah, relief!

This is how I often feel after a busy week of running here and there and it has been one of those weeks.  Out for lunch with daughter, out for birthday with granddaughter, dinner at son’s house and another dinner tonight for my son’s 40th birthday, and basketball games for the grandkids!   And although I love every minute of it, it is such a relief when I can just stop and rest. 


Relief Be Still and Know That I Am God

Joining the Five Minute Friday Community today.

Yes, rest, this word comes up once again as it has many times since the beginning of this year.  This is my word for the year. The Lord told me to rest in Him.  There are many ways to find rest and relief from the cares of this world.

The first way is to rest in the finished work of Christ. 

Isn’t it wonderful that God proclaims the gospel from the very beginning.  Read about it here.

Then we need to come to Him daily for He says:

Come unto me all ye who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 

He will give me rest from all my cares, all my burdens for I can cast all my burdens on Him for He cares for me. 1 Peter 5:7

What a relief that is!  Oh, if only I would practice this on a regular basis!  I can have continual relief through my Savior.

And how else can I be relieved?

Be still and let God be God. 

Am I anxious, worried about tomorrow or things I cannot change.  Just be still.  Let God be God!  (Psalm 46:10)

He can and will take care of all my needs, all my anxieties. 

All my anxiety, all my care.  Bring to the Savior and leave it there. 

I heard a song recently that goes If it matters to you, it matters to the Master. 

So be relieved today through Him.


Rest is so important. Have you read Wayne Muellers book Sabbath? I commend it to you. Blessed to be your neughbor at FMF this week.


    Thank you for the recommendation and for stopping by.

Andrew Budek-Schmeisser

I truly wish that I could rest,
know God, and be holy, still;
but that would not be for the best
as cancer comes in for the kill.
I have to bob and weave and duck
and force myself to keep my feet,
for I depend on more than luck
to avoid the winding-sheet.
That there might be a place of peace
is but a legend to me now,
and in these trials I cannot cease;
to the reaper I won’t bow.
Please wish me fortune here, my friend,
for I am fighting to the end.

#1 at FMF this week.


    I cannot imagine what it is like to go through a trial like that, But I do know one who cares. Casting all your care upon Him for He cares for you 1 Peter 5:7

    I also have an acquaintance who has a chronic illness and she is sick all the time. She has written a book entitled Why Doesn’t God Fix It? I’ve written a review on it here:

    Thanks for stopping by. Prayers for you as you fight to the end.

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