Set Apart for God?

Are you set apart for God?  What does that really mean?  Here is the meaning of set apart according to Webster’s 1828 Dictionary:   apart – In a state of distinction, as to purpose, use or character.

Really, this topic would make a great Bible Study.  There are so many people who call themselves Christians;  is there a distinction about them? If so, what kind of a distinction?  Is there a mark of godliness about them?  

Set Apart for God?  What does the Bible Say?

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Psalms 4:3  But know that the LORD hath set apart him that is godly for himself: the LORD will hear when I call unto him.

Set Apart for God?

I’ve always enjoyed going to Bible Studies.  When I was a teenager, my dad  often held Bible studies in our home.  Ladies Bible Studies were always nice too.   It was a great time of fellowship as well as learning from God’s Word.  It was a time of growing and learning how to be “set apart” for God
But if someone said, why don’t we study Leviticus to find out what it means to be set apart?    Well, to be honest, my first reaction would probably be, Leviticus?!  That book is boring or hard to understand.
Even when doing Bible Reading, when I would come to Leviticus it would often be hurry, skim, because I really won’t get much out of it. But it too is God’s Word and He put it there for a reason!  AND believe it or not, the book of Leviticus has a lot to say about being “set apart”, yes as a Christian we ought to be distinct from the World.
 Are You "Set Apart" for God? A good Bible Study on the book of Leviticus

Why should I study Leviticus?

  1. It is God’s Word
  2. God can open my eyes to behold wondrous things even from this book.  Psalms 119:18 Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law.
  3. Its theme is holiness – the word holy is used 77 times in this book – and  exact phrase “Be Holy” is used 19 times in this book.
  4. It helps us understand what it means to be “set apart”.
  5. It helps us make sense of  Christ being crucified for us by knowing the sacrificial system.
  6. It shows us how to deal with sin, something that is not done much today.
  7. It shows us how to truly worship God.
  8. It reminds us to teach our children diligently the Word of God so they can see the difference between the holy and unholy, the clean and unclean, and how they should be set apart for God.
  9. It shows us that God’s way is the only way as Aaron’s sons were destroyed for offering strange fire.

Becoming “Set Apart” for God – Word Study by Warren Wiersbe

This is a word study taken from the Wiersbe Bible Study Series. Leviticus is the main book in this study.   You can do this study with just this book, but using Weirsbe’s book “Be Holy” would be a big help. Trusting God to See Us Through  is a study on the books of 2 Samuel and 1 Chronicles.  The book “Be Restored” by Wiersbe is a great book to go along with this study.

Right now I am working on the “Becoming Set Apart for God”   study in Leviticus.  Oh, I am enjoying it so much and if you are interested in growing in your walk with the Lord, then this is a great book study to do.

Any of these books will work in a group study or an individual study. Pick up a series and let the Lord show you wondrous things from His Word.  Ask Him to show you from His Word how you can be “set apart” so the world knows you are distinctly His.  Oh, how I need this in my own life.

Here are a couple quotes out of the Set Apart for God series:

He that sees the beauty of holiness, or true moral good,” sees the greatest and most important thing in the world. ~Jonathan Edwards

When we surrender ourselves to the Lord, we put “all on the altar” (Lev. 1:9) and hold back nothing. ~ Warren Wiersbe

  Romans 12:1-2  I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

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