Six Ways to Lead Your Family Biblically

Do you ever wonder how you can lead your family and direct them in the Lord? Deuteronmy 6 offers some great principles in guiding your family that we can use every day.  If you’ve had trouble doing this before, then this New Year, take time to study the passage and ask the Lord to help you apply these truths.

1. God’s Word Is True

  • V.1-3  Teach them that the Word of God is True.  These Words are God’s commandments and judgments
    • As Moses was given commandments by the Lord to teach the people, so should we know what God’s Word says.  Read and study it for yourself so you in turn can teach the truths to your children.  Have you ever had a teacher that didn’t know what he/she was talking about?  It’s very frustrating and at the same time almost a joke.  If we don’t know God and His Word, then we will be frustrating and a mockery to our children.
    • Knowing God will help us to to fear Him as we ought and give us longer life.
    • HEAR, OBSERVE, and DO!  And it will be well with thee!  It can’t get much plainer than that.  It’s not a “do as I say” thing, but a “do as I do”.  We must do God’s commanments if we want our children to do them.

2. There is ONE GOD ONLY!

  • V.4-5 Teach them that there is ONE GOD ONLY and that we must love Him wholeheartedly.  If we teach them this then they can begin to do the following:
    • Love Him with ALL your heart!  That’s a tough one. It really is.  My desires are draw away so easily to other things.
    • Love Him with ALL your soul!  Does my example show to my family that my soul draws near to God each and every day?  Encourage your children to have a quiet time with the Lord so their soul can knit with Him more and more.
    • Love Him with ALL your might!  These three things actually go together, don’t you think.  Love Him to the greatest extent possible.

3. Hide God’s Word In Your Heart

  • V. 6 Teach them to memorize God’s Word so they can draw upon it at any time.  It surely is a must in this day and age.  The devil and our fleshly desires are always working at pulling us down or causing us to sin.  God’s Word is the answer.

4. Speak, Live, Display, Memorize, Meditate

  • V. 7-9 Teach them the things of the Lord DILIGENTLY.  This verse outlines very well how to do that.  It pretty much sums it up to do it NON STOP!  Every moment of every day, our thoughts and minds ought to be on the Lord and His Word.
    • When you are sitting in your house
    • When you are walking somewhere
    • When you are lying down
    • When you get up
    • Put it everywhere! Let it be seen.  One of my favorite gifts is Bible verses that are framed or decorative.  I remember as a child learning verses because my Mom had them displayed throughout the house and she lived what was displayed!  SO . . .
      • SPEAK IT, LIVE IT, DISPLAY IT, MEMORIZE IT, MEDITATE ON IT!  Don’t let your children froget all that God is and does.  Talk about the things He has done for you.  Teach them God’s Word and all the great stories in the Bible!
      • Tell them the gospel all the time!  Tell them they are sinners in need of a Savior.  Tell them your own testimony and how the Lord brought you out of the miry clay and set your feet on THE ROCK!
      • Instill Biblical Truths into their hearts.  Here are many truths that you can use.

5. Don’t Forget

  • V.10 – 25  Teach them all these things so we don’t forget!  Oh how easy it is to forget! Look how quickly the Israelites forgot who God is and was and what He did for them.  I catch myself often doing the same.  Praise God for His goodness and talk of all His wondrous works.  

Psalms 107:8 Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!

Deuteronomy 8:11 Beware that thou forget not the LORD thy God, in not keeping his commandments, and his judgments, and his statutes, which I command thee this day:

6. Faith Without Works Is Dead

  • Teach them that Faith Without Works is DEAD!  We can say we love God and that we know Him as Savior, but if we don’t show it, then one must wonder.  Doing His commandments will reveal to others (our children and grandchildren) that God is real and that our righteousness comes from Him.


Let’s Encourage One Another In The Lord