Something the World Does Not Have
I came across this post that I had written on another blog when our children were going through some difficult trials. I was blessed all over again as I read the encouraging thoughts and notes that came from fellow believers. I felt so blessed and tears were streaming down my face as I thanked the Lord for the blessing of friends who have upheld us in prayer! The World can call it a crutch if they want; I call it leaning on the Lord Jesus Christ, the everlasting arms. What do they have to lean on?
Here is the original post:
I really wanted to save all the little notes of encouragement that people have sent while going through these few trials that the Lord has allowed. It is such a blessing to know that others care are upholding you in prayer. If nothing else these trials have reminded me of the importance to pray one for another. How we need our Christian Brethren! We never know what another one might be going through. How often I have been quick to judge another rather than uphold that person in prayer. May the Lord help me to not be like Job’s friends, but instead to be a friend who encourages and prays. I have saved all my little notes and listed them below. What an encouragement! How about you? What encourages you when facing a trial or a hardship? I hope you will take time to share.
Prayer Changes Things
- They are in our prayers for God’s wisdom and protection regarding this secondary infection. They have had some significant trials in their first year on the field. I am also praying for you, Ellen. You have many issues now with family. Mel and Jenny’s situation, the new baby, Caleb, and Esther as well. I know these things lay heavy on a Mother’s heart. So I am praying for you and Mel. May God help you to rest these burdens on Him, our great burden bearer. Do keep us posted so we can pray.Because of His great love,
- We want you to know that we have been praying fervently for Esther and family as well as for Caleb and family
- We will continue to be in prayer for them, as well as all of you as I am sure this is a very draining and difficult time for all of you. The Lord is good, and although we cannot see the big picture of why these things happen, we can trust that He knows and that His boundless love will carry us through!
- Still much in prayer.
- Please pass on to them that I am praying for them!
- We are praying fervently for them, and especially for Esther. The devil is attacking because he knows God wants to use them in a mighty way. We will continue to uphold them before the throne. God bless,
- I have had your family much in prayer over this last week. So many things at once! I’m so thankful God has large arms and broad shoulders to bear our burdens and carry us through, and I know you depend on that, too! In Christ,
- We are trusting God to heal and give wisdom to the doctors.
- Our hearts ache for Esther and Jeremy and the children as well. I can’t imagine what it is like for you and Mel to be so far away and want to be there to help. What would we do if we didn’t know that The Great Physician is in control and is able to heal and comfort them?
I sent a message to Jeremy and Esther assuring them of our love and prayers. I’m sure you and Esther’s Mother long to be with her and take over the house and children’s care so she and Jeremy can rest. I pray they got a good nights sleep and that Jeremy doesn’t have the flu.
Our God is able. - A lot going on for your family right now. You-all are heavy on our hearts. May the Lord give great healing, grace, and peace through it all.
- In much prayer!
- Thanks for keeping us updated. We’ve been praying for both situations. So glad baby Caleb is doing better. We really feel for Jeremy and Esther. It seems it’s just been one thing after another since they got there, but the fact that they’ve stuck it out, is a real testimony for the Lord. We sure hope they can figure out what’s wrong with her soon. We will keep praying and our people our praying too. God bless you guys. We sure love and miss you.
Love, - We are praying fervently Have passed this on to others.
- we are still praying hard for both your kiddos
- We will certainly be praying for Esther. It’s so hard to understand why these things are ordained of God, but we must remember that He is an all-wise God and loves us more than we can know. He will do what’s best for them.
Love, - Prayer is on it’s way! Thankful for Caleb, that’s good news! Love,
- We will be praying for Jeremy and Esther. Love ya,
- We will be praying. I know what it is like to experience this. I remember when Nicholas was born 5 weeks early. He was on a respirator for a week or more and they didn’t know if he would make it. God was merciful and healed him. That was 14 years ago. We love you.
- We are praying! Thank you for the update!
- Just a note to let you know we are praying for God’s Grace and mercies for your family. Praise God that he doeth all things well for his Glory and our good. We may not always see at the moment but we know that our faith is made strong in times of weakness. Fear not be of good courage for our God standeth at the door. He know the number of hairs on our head how much more doth he care for our soul. May God’s grace be sufficient for a time such as this.
- May God mightily show forth his hand of strength and might. May we show forth our faith to others that they may glorify our father which is in heaven. With Love,
- Just a quick note to let you know we are praying.
- We will pray for him and Esther. Thanks for keeping us posted!
- we are praying — I’m off to Bible Study here in a few minutes and I’ll mention it there for prayer.
- We are praying!
- I’m sorry to hear about little Caleb. I’m sure emotions are riding high right now. I will continue to keep him in our prayers as well as Stephen & his wife. WE LOVE YOU ALL and will keep in touch.
- Oh, I am soooo sorry! Yes, we will hold him up before the Great Physician Who will lovingly care for little Caleb
- We are thankful to God for being merciful to Stephen and Lauren. We sure are happy to hear the good news about little Caleb, our hearts were certainly hurting for them. Trust me; we know how disconcerting it is to go through the night of uncertainty.
I know that Esther has really gone through it. I am sure that no matter where you are that it is no fun to be ill. However, I can only imagine that being in a tropical climate that it only makes matters more difficult. We are praying for her. - We are still praying for them, and you. I know how difficult it is to watch your children struggle. Hope you have a better day!
- It would seem that there is a lot going on in your family right now. Just thought I would let you know that I am praying for Caleb and Esther. May God bless you both with great peace and enable you to be a blessing.
- Please keep the updates coming. I will put them on our prayer list tomorrow at church. I’m also praying for Stephen and his new baby.
- Thanks for the update. We are sorry to hear this, but know God is in control. Please be assured of our prayers for Caleb and all involved. Our love to all the family.
- We are lifting up Caleb as well as your entire family in prayer. Praise God for the procedure going well. The Lord is good!
- Congratulations on Caleb’s arrival! I know you mentioned that they are having complications and we will keep them in our prayers.
- Rough week on grandma!! Two babies to the hospital! Praying for you all!!
- I can remember several times when two stressful things were going on in our family at the same time — I can really relate to the pressure of sick and hurting family members. We are remembering you and yours in prayer and have passed along the requests to my women’s Bible study group.
- Thank you for keeping up posted about Esther’s condition. We are praying of course, as well as the prayer warriors at Emmanuel. Nothing has been said on any of the prayer requests going out on the church prayer chain about whether they should return to the states or not, but we will be praying specifically regarding that. I’m sure Jeremy wants to stay, and wants to come home. Only the Lord can give him the wisdom, strength and trust that he needs right now. I shall be praying too that this will be the means of a tremendous ministry for them both in the years ahead as they see how the Lord works on their behalf. How are the children faring through all this? They probably have a difficult time understanding…yet children can be very perceptive! Praying also for you all, as I know your heart is heavy, even though you are trusting our Lord. With love and prayers,