Storage – How Much? Psalm 119:11
Sometimes the things I put into storage end up to be a bunch of clutter. I then find myself overwhelmed and in much need of doing some decluttering. When I store the right things, I find them very useful at the right times. There is one thing that I need to store continually; I can never store too much of it. It’s found in this verse:
The Best Thing To Store
In hard times we may find ourselves glad that we’ve stored some extra food, water, vitamins, medicines, etc. But the very best thing we can store is God’s Word. Store it in your hearts so it is there when you need it. God’s Word is food for our soul, vitamins to restore us and build us up, medicine for sadness and troubled times and to bring joy to our soul.
If I’ve stored God’s Word in my heart it will be there to fight the fiery darts of the wicked, to encourage myself in the Lord, to share with others and encourage them or point them to Christ as Savior.
As I put more and more of God’s Word into the storage rooms of my heart, it builds my faith and keeps me from sinning. David said, Against Thee and Thee only have I sinned (Ps. 51)
Treasures and Memories can be nice to store too. What a joy to see these treasures and reminisce. God tells us to remember His works of old, They will encourage us to keep living for Him and they will increase our faith.
Though others may share from their supplies, I must never expect that to be my sustenance. It may be encouraging to me and it may help me get started or hold me over, but I must have my own supply. I must have my own storage in order to survive in my Christian life.
Things I should Not Store
How often I’ve found that I’ve stored things that collect dust and are no longer good or useful. The Bible warns about storing up things that collect dust and rust and that moths corrupt and even things that would make thieves want to break through and steal. I have found myself disgusted, when after several years, I looked at some of these things in storage only to have to throw them away. I need to be wise in my choosing.
Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
Verse by Verse Daily Bible Reading and Study on Psalm 119