Stories that Only God Can Write – Use Them to Instill the Gospel Into Your Grandchildren
Tell me the stories of Jesus, write on my heart every word, tell me the stories most precious, sweetest that ever was heard. ~F. Crosby This is a song we sing often in church, but as an adult, do I really mean those words?
Do I crave the Word of God and all the wonderful stories written therein?
These are stories that only God can write.
If I, myself, do not desire to know God’s Word, then how can I portray these wonderful Bible stories to my grandchildren as the greatest stories ever told!
Here is another interesting song, that tells the story of a gypsy boy who never heard the gospel, until he was about to die and someone shared Jesus with him. It’s a great hymn with a great message.
I do not want my grandkids to be on their deathbed before they ever hear the gospel from my lips. I must teach them now about Jesus and the way to heaven.
Tell It Again
by Mary Bridges Canedy Slade
Into the tent where a gypsy boy lay,
Dying alone at the close of the day,
News of salvation we carried; said he:
“Nobody ever has told it to me!”
Tell it again! Tell it again!
Salvation’s story repeat o’er and o’er.
Till none can say of the children of men,
“Nobody ever has told me before.”
“Did He so love me, a poor little boy?
Send unto me the good tidings of joy?
Need I not perish? My hand will He hold?
Nobody ever the story has told!”
Bending we caught the last words of his breath,
Just as he entered the valley of death:
“God sent His Son! ‘Whosoever,’ said He:
Then I am sure that He sent Him for me!”
Smiling he said, as his last sigh he spent,
“I am so glad that for me He was sent!”
Whispered, while low sunk the sun in the west,
“Lord, I believe, tell it now to the rest!”
God has written so many great stories from the Bible that can be used to explain the way of Salvation.
Start at the beginning with Creation and Adam and Eve. Wow! Right from the beginning we can show our grandchildren that we all need the gospel.
GO HERE and I’ll send you a free printable to go with
the stories of Creation and Adam and Eve.
Below I’ve listed some other great stories (random order and many need to be edited so please excuse) that could be used in sharing the gospel. This is by no mean an exhaustive list. There are so many possibilities.
Check these links out and learn and know the stories so you can replay them in the minds of your littles over and over. God’s Word is exciting! He alone writes the best stories. Let’s portray that excitement to our grandchildren and any other littles in our lives.
Read this great book on how to raise godly children in an ungodly world. It is written by Ken Ham from Answers in Genesis.
- The Life Of Noah – He found grace in the eyes of the Lord. For by grace are we saved …
- 9 Lessons – Israelites at War With Amalek – When we are saved we have the Lord to fight our battles for us.
- 7 Lessons from the Rock of Horeb – Just as Moses smote the rock, so Jesus had to be smitten for us in order for the living water to be available.
- 5 Significant lessons from the life of Hannah -Grace, Peace, Joy given to Hannah – a great picture of Salvation
- Did you ever think about the fact that it was God who sent Joseph to Egypt? – As God sent Joseph, God sent His only Son, (Aff link) that many lives could be saved.
- Jesus is for all – JESUS IS FOR ALL, for everyone, if they are only willing to accept Him. Jesus came for all and died for the sins of the whole world. He took all our sins upon Him that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him. Wow! How awesome is that! Do you know Him? Do you have His righteousness?
- Miracle and celebration of life – Look at these 5 miracles of life from God’s Word. What a miracle salvation is!
- Jonah – The Lord has brought my life from corruption! Praise God! He took my feel from the miry clay, Yes He did! Yes he did! He set them on the rock to stay! Yes He did! Yes He did
- Wisemen – The wise men were seeking Jesus. One who is truly seeking Jesus will find Him. God will lead him there. Jeremiah 29:13 And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.
- Mary – Not only did Mary avail herself of God’s grace through salvation, but she continued in obedience to Him, living a holy and obedient life to the Lord.
- How the story of Blind Bartamaeus teaches us how to be Saved – Before salvation, we are like beggars – looking for something to satisfy our needs. We are blind to the truth because of our sin. But there is only one thing that can truly satisfy our needs and longings.
- Joseph and Mary – model couple – This model couple were very wise in that they feared God and sought out wisdom from His Word.
- Daniel – let us not be found wanting – Are you wanting today?
Turn to Christ. He can cleanse your heart and make you whole and satisfy your soul.
He can make you realize that your days on earth are numbered and will soon be finished; that you need to apply our hearts to wisdom.
Psalms 111:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever.
What other stories can you add to the list above?
This Series on Instilling the Gospel Begins here.