September 11th – Never forget! I may not forget, but my grandchildren don’t
Do you make it a priority to pray that your children and grandchildren will come
Do children really need the gospel? How exciting and wonderful was the birth of
GOD IS! What do you tell your children and/or grandchildren when they ask you about
Would you, could you believe that God loves you more than anyone else and will never
It’s fall break time! Are you looking for some fun fall activities to do
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Vengeance belongs to the Lord only. How often we want to take matters in our
There are some awesome products that can be used to share the gospel. I have used
Tell me the stories of Jesus, write on my heart every word, tell me the stories most
Do You Want To Instill The Gospel And God's Word Into The Hearts And Minds Of
Grandparents, here is a wonderful way to connect with your grandchilren. We should
Jesus said Let the little children to come unto me. Don’t stop them. For of such
Parents and Grandparents, are you making it a point to instill the gospel into the
What do I want to leave my children and grandchildren when I leave this present world? It
I found 6 great lessons from I Samuel 12 to continue to teach and instill into
Am I really seeking God with my whole heart? I’ve been meditating on Psalm
It is always fun and enjoyable to receive something that someone has offered or given
Parents, how do your children grow? Are you praying for them to grow physically
Christmas is never over for God’s children! I love to read Christmas events
The Little Red Spinning Wheel There it was, the Little Red Spinning Wheel! It was
Can you out give God? Do you know anyone that has? I doubt it. No one can
Thanksgiving again! My how the years come and go so quickly. I know I say that
You forgot to do the praise game? Now I know you are wondering what this has to
Fret Not God’s Word tells us! Fret not because of evil doers! Don’t