Ten Commandments for Wives
Ten Commandments for Wives
-author unknown
-author unknown
- Carefully guard thine health so thou canst always greet thy husband with a smile.
- Never nag or complain.
- Do not worry about things which thou canst not change.
- Do not spend all they time scrubbing, cleaning, and dusting the house.
- Love thine husband and children more than thy house.
- Know how to prepare good,nutritious food and keep it on the table.
- Know the limitations of they husband’s income and do not try to keep up with the Jones’s or others.
- Do not buy a hat or hairdo, wig, or outfit that makes thy husband unhappy.
- Remember that at times silence is golden.
- Do not drive the automobile from back or side seat.
I just thought the following video was pretty funny. She is not exactly a back seat driver but…