The ABC’s of Christmas

One Christmas our son-in-law and daughter came up with the ABC’s of Christmas.  Each letter represents something that goes along with the Christmas story along with the Scripture verses. 

A is for Abraham, of whom Christ did descend.

Through his lineage came the blessing that truly has no end.  Gen. 12:3; Mt. 1:1

B is for Bethlehem, where Jesus would be born;

No room in the inn; only a stable forlorn. Micah 5:2; Mt. 2:1

C is for the children, who were slaughtered by the king.

No more did sounds of joy through the houses ring. Jer. 31:15; Mt. 2:16

D is for David, Christ will rule from his throne.

Every tongue and nation will bow before Him alone . Is. 9:7; Luke 1:32

E is for Egypt, the land to which they fled.

For wicked King Herod wanted baby Jesus dead. Hosea 11:1; Mt. 2:14-15

F is for the fulness of the time of Jesus’ birth.

Messiah had finally come to be the Savior of the earth. Gal. 4:4

G is for the glory of the Lord, revealed to all mankind,

He made the lame to leap and opened the eyes of the blind. Is. 35:5-6

H is for the hatred that was vented without cause,

They mocked and spat upon Him even though He had no flaws. Ps. 69:4; John 15:23-25

I is for Immanuel, God in flesh on earth.

Christ was born for all the world, the gift of greatest worth.. Is. 7:14; Mt.1:23

J is for Judah, of whose tribe Christ would be,

Yet another fulfillment for all the world to see. Gen. 49:10; Luke 3:33

K is for King Herod, afraid of losing his throne.

However, the newborn king was rejected by his own. Is. 53:3

L is for the law, which Christ came to fulfill.

The perfect Lamb was sacrificed upon Golgotha’s hill. Mt. 5:17; Rom. 10:4

M is for Melchizedek, of whose order Christ would be

He abides our great High Priest for all eternity. Ps. 110:4; Heb. 5:5-6

N is for Nazareth, where Jesus lived below

In wisdom and in stature our Lord began to grow. Judges 13:5; Mt. 2:23

O is for the oil of gladness God poured upon His Own

Christ alone is worthy to sit upon the throne Ps.45:6-7

P is for the Protoevangelium prophesying of Christ’s birth,

Christ’s offer of salvation is for all upon the earth. Gen. 3:15; Gal. 4:4

Q is for the quaking of the shepherds on that night.

As the angelic host filled the sky with light. Luke 2:8-14

R is for rejection from His own that Christ did bear

Even though it was to them He came His love to share. Is. 53:3; Jn. 1:11

S is for silver, thirty pieces was Judas paid

By His own familiar friend Christ Jesus was betrayed. Ps. 41:9; Zec. 11:12; Mt. 26:15

T is for His triumphant entry; upon a donkey He came

They leaped and shouted praises, but soon would mock His name. Zec. 9:9; Jn. 12:13-14

U is for us, unto whom Christ was born

Oh worship and adore Him; do not reject and scorn Is. 9:6; Lk. 2:11

V is for the virgin birth, promised 700 years before,

Conceived by the Holy Ghost was the child that Mary bore. Is. 7:14; Mt. 1:18

W is for the wise men who presented Christ with gifts.

They gave him gold, and myrrh, and precious frankincense. Ps. 72:10; Mt. 2:1,11

X is for exaction of the taxes Joseph must pay.

To the town of Bethlehem they started on their way. Luke 2:1-5

Y is for Yeshua, the Savior of all who believe

Those who have accepted Him He will never leave Acts 16:31; Heb. 13:5

Z is for Zion, to whom glad tidings came.

Now publish to all nations the glory of His name. Is. 40:9

~D. and M. Bream