The Homeschool Awakening – Giveaway
Thinking about starting a homeschool? Maybe you’re not really sure so you’re on the fence about it. I’m not a homeschool blogger, but I am a grandma who cares about the education of my grandchildren. This film, The Homeschool Awakening, put out by Kirk Cameron might help you to decide which route to take.
Families across the nation are experiencing the homeschool awakening, taking advantage of the freedom and opportunities for self-discovery — with the world as their classroom. Join award-winning actor, Kirk Cameron, as he dives into the adventures of dynamic American families on a mission to put fun and faith back into learning. The Homeschool Awakening explores the ins, outs, and honest answers to homeschooling’s most frequently asked questions. #HomeschoolAwakeningMIN #TheHomeschoolAwakening #MomentumIn-
I’m thankful that all my children are homeschooling their children. With the direction that our country has gone in recent months, in my opinion homeschooling is probably the best option for your child’s education. The Lord has entrusted those children to your care. Are you doing what’s best for them?
A few of the statements I heard in this film were:
- I didn’t know how I would have time to do this, but the Lord made it clear that He would create time where there is no time.
- After 12 years of homeschooling I can say this wasn’t a sacrifice, but was a total gift
- Homeschooling freed my children to let their own brains mature at their own pace.
- Real wealth is your family. Homeshooling is a great way to invest in your family.
Public School is our Enemy
Since the pandemic we are seeing more and more of the horrible and inaccurate things that children are learning from the public school system. As a parent we should be the ones wanting to cultivate what is good and right and true into the hearts and minds and souls of our children. From what I see, the public school is our enemy. They want control of our children. Several years ago, a prominent government leader said that it takes a village to raise your child. Have you looked at your village lately? Is this the “village” you want teaching your children?
Take time to watch this film for yourself; you may find some answers you are looking for.
It’s time to take back the education of our children. The government, the public school, are not responsible. We are! Who knows those children better than you? Who can give them the individualized instruction that they need better than you? Let”s make sure we are shaping the hearts and minds of our children to be bent in the right direction. Lead those little hearts to Christ. Teach them Truth and give them a good sound education right from home. You can find more information on this film here.
Here are some good reasons to homeshool:
- Homeschool if God gives you clear direction to do so.
- Homeschool if there are no other options available.
- Homeschool if you have “seen the village” and you don’t want that village raising your children.
- Homeschool if you are willing to be self disciplined yourself to study and learn and make sure your children are getting the best education possible.
- Homeschool if you can provide other outlets for your children such as homeschool coops, fields trips, community sports, etc.
Above all, stay on your knees and ask God for wisdom and guidance.
Disclosure: Many thanks to TBN & CamFam Studios for providing a sample of the product for this review.
Opinions are 100% my own.
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