The Living Water is the magic potion that everyone needs.

The Magic Potion – A Magic Potion That Works For Everyone!

The Magic Potion?

Can water be the magic potion in losing weight? (aff)  Some people seem to think so. I don’t know if I agree with that 100%, but I do know that it is something we all need and it can be a great help in many areas.  Here some ways that watercan help:

  1. It can decrease our appetite and give us a full and satisfied feeling.
  2. It can help the body metabolize stored fat.
  3. It can be the best way to rid the body of fluid retention.
  4. It can help maintain proper muscle tone.
  5. It can help rid the body of waste.
  6. It is definitely the drink that overweight people ought to choose, since it can increase metabolism.

So next time you are hungry, try reaching for a glass of water and see if that won’t help that hunger pass. I’m not going to say it always works, but it has worked at times for me.  

How about another “magic potion”?  The Living Water is the magic potion that everyone needs.  Of course it is not really a magic potion, but it is most definitely a miracle from God.  For God sent His only Son, Jesus to die for us; He rose again and He is the living water for our souls.

The Living Water is the magic potion that everyone needs.



Jesus is the Living Water.

  1. Come drink from His well and you will never thirst again.
  2. He alone can suppress the appetite for worldly pleasures and things of this world.
  3. If you are weighted down with sin, then come to this living water for He will lift every weight and satisfy you!
  4. He can tone our heart’s muscle if we are drinking daily from the water of life through His Word.
  5. And yes! The Water of Life will help rid us of the waste of sin and worldly things.

It is definitely the drink we ought to choose.

We cannot be forced to drink it, but we will never be sorry if we do! It will satisfy completely and fill us up! It will cause the hungering for this world and what it has to offer to pass. Try it, it works. It has for me and will for anyone!

 John 4:14  But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.


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