The Model Couple - What couple would you pattern you life after in the Bible?

The Model Couple

The Model Couple – who do you think that is?  There are probably several, but perhaps the ultimate model couple in the Bible is Joseph and Mary. Do you know someone who has  fallen in love and is now planning a wedding?  Perhaps someone you know wants counsel about entering into an intimate relationship.  Why not  use Joseph and Mary as the model couple?  Here are 6 things that they did that every Christian Couple ought to do in their own lives.

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The Model Couple - What couple would you pattern you life after in the Bible?

The Model Couple – Joseph and Mary

  1. Joseph and Mary feared God.  Every Christian ought to have a proper fear or reverence of God. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.  This model couple were very wise in that they feared God and sought out wisdom from His Word.
  2. Joseph and Mary listened.  This model couple were not mouthy nor were they know-it-alls.  When given advice from God, they listened to His Word.  Are you a good listener?  A true listener learns and obeys. If someone is counseling you, make sure it matches up to God’s Word.
  3. Joseph and Mary did not quench the Spirit.  When this model couple heard what was about to happen in their lives, was of the Holy Ghost, instead of fretting, questioning, or trying to figure it out, they just accepted it.  They didn’t extinguish the flame that was put there by God Himself.  Quench not the Spirit, but instead, stay in tune with God and the Spirit will show you the way.
  4. Joseph and Mary applied and obeyed God’s Word.  This model couple didn’t just listen, but they took to heart what they knew the Spirit of God taught them and applied it to their own lives.  Then by faith, they obeyed.  They did not care what others around them did or thought. It was more important to them to be concerned about what God thought.
  5. Joseph and Mary lived a life of pureness.  This model couple shows us all what it means to be holy for God is holy.  There was never any sexual impurity.  Joseph did not even have relations with Mary until after Jesus was born.  So to anyone that says “it is too hard”, Remember, that is just a lie of the devil.  With God all things are possible.  Their love for each other and the Lord was so strong, that they were able to wait until the time was right.  The only right time is after marriage.
  6. Joseph and Mary continued to obey after their marriage.  Making Christ the center of your home is always the best way. 

Why not let this ultimate model couple be the example for your own life? God will let you know the right person to marry.  If the above characteristics are present in your own life then that is a good starting place in knowing that you are right for each other.  We don’t know about the parents of Joseph and Mary, but it seems that they too may have been godly, teaching their children the fear of the Lord so that they were prepared for a holy and pure engagement.  As parents, we ought to seek to train our children so that one day when they begin to think about marriage, we can be blessed to see that they are following the example of the model couple.

Let’s connect and encourage one another in the Lord

Here’s a great game to play.  See how many Bible Couples you can match up from the Bible.  

Karen A Del Tatto

Great words of wisdom here for those seeking to enter into relationships toward marriage.

But they are also great reminders for those of us who are already married to follow the model of Joseph and Mary.

I was especially convicted when you said, “When this model couple heard what was about to happen in their lives, was of the Holy Ghost, instead of fretting, questioning, or trying to figure it out, they just accepted it. They didn’t extinguish the flame that was put there by God Himself. Quench not the Spirit, but instead, stay in tune with God and the Spirit will show you the way.”

Even though the Holy Spirit doesn’t come to me and “speak” to me, I have felt His call to a certain area and have “questioned, fretted, tried to figure it out” INSTEAD of just accepting.

Thanks so much for sharing such an edifying post.


    Thanks, Karen for sharing your thoughts. I too have questioned, fretted and tried to figure things out on my own rather than accepting what I know the Holy spirit has put within my heart. So glad that God is loving and forgiving.

Susan S Burke

Enjoyed this page!

I was looking for the link to the Valentine couples as indicated on your site to use verbally during our COVID Valentine day service.

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