The Valley of the Shadow of Death

A friend that had cancer has passed away.  She was young, in her 30’s.  She leaves behind a husband and 7 children.  It all seems so tragic.  Yet, death is something we all need to think about for it will come for all of us one day.  Below is an excerpt of her final testimony that she wrote the month before she died.  I hope you will take time to go to her site and read all of her testimony.

Psalms 23:4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

“You will all face what I am facing now. I want for everyone of you to be blessed with the peace and confidence that Christ has given me. I wish that everyone could see during their whole lives what I am seeing so clearly now. God loves us all so completely. His plan has never been to destroy us, but to redeem us and all of His creation perfectly. There is another someone who hates us completely because we are the creation of his Enemy, and he never stops trying to deceive and destroy us as long as we are on this earth. Christ has offered the solution, but we have such a hard time trusting that He truly is the way. We are afraid that if He even is who He claims to be, He is just waiting to slap us into judgement, or at best to take us to a place where we will sit around and sing for eternity.”  Read More…


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