There’s A Fly In My Tea – A Book Review
It seems this year we are getting many more flies than normal. I really don’t know why; well we have had company for a good while which makes for more garbage and for the door being opened more often while little children run in and out. 🙂 (I love my grandchildren
!) And there have been many chicken houses going up in our area so that could probably be two good reasons.
Flies are detestable! I just cannot stand flies!
Flies are just pesty and they sure can ruin a drink or a plate of food. I can shoo the fly away and pretend it was never there or I can dump the drink down the drain or the food in the trash and get a fresh plate. I prefer the latter. How about you?
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“There’s a Fly In My Tea
” is a book I’ve been spending some time in lately. It is actually more of a Bible study focusing on the importance of maintaining a Christian Testimony.
By Chrystal L. Ratcliff
Crosslink Publishing
Just as flies are unappealing and sometimes even want to make you vomit, so is sin in the life of a Christian
. It is very unappealing to others. It ruins and mars our testimonies and the name of Jesus Christ.
The author’s point is for us to work on our testimonies, working with diligence to prevent our testimonies from being tainted. For the world is watching and they know how a Christian should act. It is important to maintain a godly witness in our lives.
This book is based on the life of Peter and can be for anyone , but is basically geared toward women; it is a Bible study book divided into 10 chapters. Each chapter has thoughts from the author and most important, Scriptures to study on your own. At the end of each chapter is a reflection section where the reader can answer questions to bring application to their own life.
I’ve enjoyed reading this book and doing some reflections in my own life. It is a book worth reading and studying; Look up and study all the Bible verses
in order to make application to your own life. It is a book you can use on your own or in a group Bible Study.
Some quotes I like:
“There is a constant battle going on between our flesh and the Spirit within us. We must recognize and even respect the power of our flesh It is a worthy opponent. Too often we think Stan is fighting us and really it is our own flesh. We can’t blame all of our spiritual failure on Satan.”
“If we do no actively fight against the flesh, it will get the victory in our lives. In order to fight the flesh, we can’t “feed” it. We can’t succumb to what it want to do.”
“When we feed the flesh, it gets stronger and stronger and the battle gets harder and harder to win.”
“Your talent is God’s gift to you, What you do with it is your gift back to Him.”
“We need to practice going to Him for the seemingly insignificant things in our life. That is when others will see a difference in us.
“My plans fail because the Lord wants me to turn to Him in my time of trouble, not lean on my own strength to get me through.”
“God wants us to give thanks always and for all things—that includes the difficult times in our life—no matter how big or small.”
And there are many more!
I really liked the fact that the author uses many Scriptures in this study. This makes it possible to study what the Bible says on your own and make application to your life as the Lord works on your heart. The book is enjoyable as well being full of many things to help you search your heart. How important for us who name the name of Christ to live a Christ-life life in front of others so that the name of Christ is not marred.
You can get a copy of this book Here
Disclosure of Material: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher through the BookCrash.com book review program, which requires an honest, though not necessarily positive, review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s CFR Title 16, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”