Tyson’s Run, A Movie Review and Giveaway
Do you know anyone whose tried or have you ever tried to get the approval of a parent? The boy in this movie, “Tyson’s Run” is a teen with autism, who desires greatly the approval of his father. Tyson’s father is a hero football coach always striving to win the next Championship and always focused on his team rather than the needs of his family.
Tyson has been home schooled by his mom whom he dearly loves, but now he can’t make it through algebra and desires to attend school where his dad is coach. This changes his life forever. He faces challenges he has never known including bullying and rejection. While “running away” from his problems he meets and befriends a champion marathon runner and determines to run his fist marathon in hopes of winning his father’s approval.

- Respect all people. God made us just how He wants us and He has a purpose and plan. Tyson had a fellow student who was willing to show respect for him and like him for who God made him. Being that leader helped others to follow.
- Our Priorities ought to be family first.
- Can we accept what God has given us as His perfect plan? His ways and thoughts are higher than ours. (Isaiah 55:9)
- Make sure you find out all the facts before accusing someone of misconduct. Things are not always as they appear.
- Many kids, and often our own children, are trying to get approval. Be aware and ask God for wisdom in meeting their needs.
- When you know what God wants you to do, then set your sights on the goal and don’t quit. (Philippians 3:14)
- We can overcome the impossible with God. If God be for us, who can be against? (Romans 8:31)
Tyson’s Run had great acting and I loved seeing how the story progressed. While parts of the story went as I expected, there were still moments that surprised me (in a good way) and that kept me invested in the storyline. The spirit of perseverance and determination was great.
1 Corinthians 9:24 says: Do you not know that in a race all the runners run but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. And that is exactly what Tyson did!
Things I did not care for in this movie:
- These scenes: boy in underwear, man entering shower, woman bleeding, boy in classroom talking about genital, man cussing. I do not care for crudeness, nor do I see that it is necessary to make a good movie. Because of these scenes I would not recommend the movie nor would I let my grandkids watch it. Because I agreed to do a review and giveaway, my suggestion is to watch at your own discretion.
- This is a feel good movie, which is OK, but this is not always how life works. There may be many trials in our life and don’t necessarily have a happy ending. True happiness comes from knowing God and allowing Him to have His way in your life. Happiness is not in things, worldly pleasures, money or even relationships.
- God doesn’t always answer our prayers how we think He should. His ways and thoughts are much higher than ours.
- It seemed as if they had to include smoking and drinking somehow. Why, I don’t know. I just don’t particularly care for my children and grandchildren to see this. I understand I can’t keep them totally sheltered from the world, but I don’t like them to think that these things are the norm as a Christian.
- There a theme of “follow your dreams” and “have faith in yourself” That is not Truth and doing so may lead to a big mistake Our dreams are not necessarily God’s dreams. Our faith must be in God alone. We must allow Him to do His Work in us, not the work that we want. It can come across with false hopes for someone.
Many thanks to Collide Distribution for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. #TysonsRunDVDMIN #MomentumInfluencerNetwork