Weekly Snapshot July 14-20


My Past Week in Review


We continue to have rain almost daily.  I am thankful that it has not been non stop rain.  Usually a thunderstorm in the afternoon.  I enjoy taking pictures of clouds and lately we have had some interesting ones. We were sitting on the porch at the beginning of the week enjoying these along with the pretty moon.


We also enjoyed some beautiful sunsets this past week.  God paints like one one else can.


Oh, the storms!   Every afternoon it seems we get a thunderstorm.  We are grateful that even the wind and the waves obey the Lord!  He is in control.  The rain came in such heavy torrents with strong winds.  There were many trees down in different neighborhoods and I think the rain dumped about 4 inches in our yard in about 20 minutes.


Company’s Comin’ !!!!   Well, they aren’t really company, but family.   My son and his family are returning from Brazil for furlough  so we just got done getting the guest room ready for them and their three children.  They will be in and out for a few months while they travel to other family members and to supporting churches.  We are so excited about them getting here!


Jeremy, Esther, Allie, Judah, Bethany
We also enjoyed the company of their co-workers, The Schrocks.  They too are home on furlough.  


While out on Saturday we saw a few trees that had been uprooted by last week’s storm.


At the same time we took the above picture we saw a deer running across the field beside it.  We managed to get a quick shot of him too.


I have been checking out coffee substitutes for my hubby since he can’t drink coffee due to reflux.  This sample arrived in the mail on Saturday.  It was really quite good.  Check out my review on it here.


Our oldest son just started a new church to reach our inner city, a much needed ministry.  This is a couple that has been coming regularly and you can also see some other visitors that came this past week.  In fact we had many visitors for which we were grateful.  We are hoping to reach many with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  He alone offers life to the fullest!