What Treasures Do I Desire? Psalm 119:5
What is your greatest heart’s desire? What do you treasure up in your mind and thoughts? What do you treasure for life?
I wish I could say that all the time I treasure God’s Word. I want to and I pray daily for the Lord to direct me to His Word, to show me His ways, and to keep me on the right path of life. But oh how often I wander. The songwriter wrote: Prone to wander, Lord I feel it. Prone to leave the God I love. Therefore I cry unto God – Here’s my heart, oh take and seal it …
That’s the problem – my ways! My way is always getting in the way of THE ONLY WAY which is God’s Way. I am weak and need to pray daily that He will direct me.
God’s Word is the greatest treasure to keep, always hidden in my heart and shared openly with others. It is something we can keep and treasure forever just for ourselves, yet there is more than enough for everyone. His commandment are not grievous, but rather will bring joy to our hearts.