Worth Quoting

  • All thou needest to make thee blessed, supremely blessed, is “to be with Christ.” ~Spurgeon
  • Jesus was born that you might be born again. He lived that you might live. He died that you might die to sin. He is risen, and today He maketh intercession for transgressors that they may be reconciled to God through Him. Come, then: believe, trust, rejoice, adore! ~Spurgeon
  • The completeness of the sacrificial work on Calvary will be matter for eternal contemplation and rejoicing, long after every sin has been, by its cleansing efficacy, washed out of our being for ever. shall we ever exhaust the fullness of the cross? ~Horatius Bonar
  • Do you ever try to do good to others? If you do, remember to tell them about Christ. Tell the young; tell the poor; tell the aged; tell the ignorant; tell the sick; tell the dying-tell them all about Christ. ~J. C. Ryle
  • There are many of us that are willing to do great things for the Lord, but few of us are willing to do little things. ~ D. L. Moody
  • Anger is temporary insanity. ~Charles Spurgeon
  • Righteousness without genuine love for God and others will soon degenerate into self-righteousness. ~Unknown
  • Has it ever struck you that the vast majority of the will of God for you life has already been revealed in the Bible? That is a crucial thing to grasp. ~Paul Little
  • “Every time circumstances press in on you, say, “Speak, Lord,”  and make time to listen.”
  • Chastening is more than a means of discipline – it is meant to bring me to the point of saying, “Speak Lord.”  ~Oswald Chambers in My Utmost fo His Highest
  • Personal holiness is an effect of redemption, no the cause of it. “  ~Oswald Chambers in My Utmost for His Highest
  • Mark 8:36  For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
  • Countenance is more than the look on your face, it is the mirror of the divine nature in you to a lost and dying world.  ~Nathan  Deatrick

To lose your wealth is much

To lose your health is more-

To lose your soul is such a loss

That no man can restore

  • Do I believe what Jesus saith, And think the gospel true? Lord, make me bold to own my faith, And practice virtue too. Suppress my shame, subdue my fear, Arm me with heavenly zeal, That I may make thy power appear, And works of praise fulfill. ~Isaac Watts
  • But when thou hast God for thy portion, thou hast more than all else put together. In Him every want is met, whether in life or in death. With God for thy portion thou art rich indeed, for He will supply thy need, comfort thy heart, assuage thy grief, guide thy steps, be with thee in the dark valley, and then take thee home, to enjoy Him as thy portion for ever. “I have enough,” said Esau; this is the best thing a worldly man can say, but Jacob replies, “I have all things,” which is a note too high for carnal minds. Spurgeon  May 13 eve.

Only GOD can turn:

  • a MESS into a MESSage,
  • a TEST into a TESTimony,
  • a TRIal into a TRIumph,
  • a VICTim into a VICTory.

GOD is GOOD… all the time!

  • “Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you.”
    –1 Peter 5:7
    Nothing is so sweet as to:
    “Lie passive in God’s hands,
    And know no will but His.”  If God cares for you, why need you care too? Can you trust Him for your soul, and not for your body? He has never refused to bear your burdens, He has never fainted under their weight. Come, then, soul! have done with fretful care, and leave all thy concerns in the hand of a gracious God.

    ~Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening Devotional
  • “I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. 
    Some come from ahead and some come from behind. 
    But I’ve bought a big bat. I’m all ready you see. 
    Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!”
    Dr. Seuss
  • Nothing before, nothing behind, The steps of faith Fall on the seeming void And find the Rock beneath
    ~Vance Havner in Day by Day, a book of devotions
  • “They tell me I rub the fur the wrong way.  I don’t. 
    Let the cat turn around”  ~Billy Sunday
  • “God speaks to those who take time to listen, and He listens to those who take time to pray.” – ODB
  • The following quotes are taken from My Morning Manna by El Nelson, Volume #3 pages 289 -290
    • Any person who is honest with himself knows he cannot even trust himself-much less his fellowman.  I remember when I was asked to wear a beg buttone that said “100% for . . . ” a certain preacher.  I said, “I am not even 100% for Ed Nelson because I am just a sinner saved by grace.  The only One for whom I could ever be 100% is the Lord Jesus Christ.”
    • The psalmist does not dream of boasting of his works, but rather speaks of the strength tand salvation of the LORD-the One who is the source of all blessings.  “The LORD is my strength and song, and is become my salvation” (Psalm 118:14)
    • “Even when enemies plot the death of a servant of God, they cannot succeed when it is God’s will for the man to live.  The servant doing the will of God is immortal until the work of God is completed in his life.”
  • Plagues and death around me lfy.
    Till He please I cannot die;
    Not a single shaft can hit,
    Till the god of love see fit.
  • Our pains are for our instruction-not for our desturction.
  • Trials should make us better-not bitter. 
  • Remember, those who neglect public worship will almost always fail to engage in nay worship whatever.
  • Jesus Christ, being that Cornerstone today, is the head of the church and the One who supports the individual believer and the body of Christ in weakness, trials, and even unto death. 
  • May each of us believers, as a small living stone rest in Him, our chief Cornerstone (1Peter 2:4-5)
  •  “When the fear of the LORD is applied to God’s people, it is never a slavish fear.  It is really a love for the LORD and a desire to please Him who is love.         ~Ed Nelson “Men look for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, and they never find it.  What they need to do is follow the arch of the rainbow and look up.  In fearing the LORD, they will find happiness.  ~Ed Nelson “Material things do not destroy the holiness of the righteous man-he carries forth God’s character. (Psalm 111:3 and Matt. 6:33)  ~Ed Nelson
  • “We forget that God’s primary goal is not changing our situations and relationships so that we can be happy, but changing us through our situations and relationships so that we will be holy.” ~David Tripp.


  • T-Is it true?
  • H-Is it helpful?
  • I-Is it inspiring?
  • N-Is it necessary?
  • K-Is it kind?

If what I am about to say does not pass those tests, I will keep my mouth shut! ~Alan Redpath, from A Passion for Preaching

  • “You cannot soften your heart, but you can harden it by repeated disobedience to His Word.”
  • “He who promises pardon when we repent has not promised preservation until we repent.” ~Ed Nelson, My Morning Manna, Vol. 3, p. 224
  • A good teacher will be teachable. ~anonymous
  • “What you admire will lead to what you become”   ~ N. Deatrick         *Do I admire the Lord Jesus Christ?  Am I becoming more like Him? 
  • “I am the most happy when God is glorified.” ~Nathan Deatrick  Colossians 1:18 . . .  that in all things he might have the preeminence. 
  • “In contending with certain sins there remains no mode of victory but by flight.”  Genesis 39:12  And she caught him by his garment, saying, Lie with me: and he left his garment in her hand, and fled, and got him out.  ~Spurgeon
  • “If you are not praising, it is because you do not have joy; if you do not have joy, it is because you have not recognized His help; if you do not have help, it is because you have not trusted.  We must trust Him today, recognize His help today, and thus have His joy producing the song that praise Him.”  ~ Ed Nelson – My Morning Manna Vol. 3 p.54
  • Keep your eyes off of men and on the Lord.
  •  Hebrews 12:2  Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; …
  • “David was a great man – but he was still a man.  The best of men are only men at the best.” ~Ed Nelson , My Morning Manna, Vol.3, p.206

Ed Nelson says in his devotional book “My Morning Manna” Vol. 3, p. 205,

  • Justice and Judgment are effective only as mercy and truth accompany them.  Every principle of operation must be based on truth and must be exercised with mercy!”
  • Today, we believers have known the joyful sound.  We have heard the message of good news that Jesus saves.  Now it is our privilege to walk in the light of His countenance.  That light shines on our pathway as we study His Word, rest in His strength, and grow in His grace.”

On Faith:

  • “Faith is worth nothing until it disregards the failure around us and rejoice in the faithfulness above us.” (Vance Havner – Day by Day – A Book of Devotions p. 150)

On Prayer:

  • “Prayer should be our first reaction, but too often it is our last resort.” (Ed Nelson)
  • “Prayer is much discussed, definitely needed, but seldom practiced.”  (Lamoyne Sharpe) 
  • “We  must plead on the basis of His grace and mercy – not on our merit”
Psalms 86:3  Be merciful unto me, O Lord: for I cry unto thee daily.
  • “What a blesses assurance!  God will answer prayer.  May we believe Him for it.”
Psalms 86:6-7  Give ear, O LORD, unto my prayer; and attend to the voice of my supplications. In the day of my trouble I will call upon thee: for thou wilt answer me.
  • “A very essential part of our lives in seeking answers to prayer is that we believe His truth and be willing to have Him lead us according to His will.” (Ed Nelson)
Psalms 86:11  Teach me thy way, O LORD;
I will walk in thy truth:
unite my heart to fear thy name.
  • “When the storm clouds rise and disaster comes, we are so prone to turn from the Lord and accuse Him of being unfair or even cruel.  But note what Jesus would have prayed: (Ed Nelson)
Psalms 86:15  But thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion,
and gracious, longsuffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth.
*Note:  The above quotes were taken from “My Morning Manna” Vol. 3 by Ed Nelson, pages 197-199
  • My happiness does not depend on my circumstances”
Psalms 1:1-6  Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.  But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.  The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away. Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish.
  • ASAP – Always Say A Prayer and do it As Soon As Possible.
  • Remember prayer should be our first response, not our last resort.  note:  Do I need a wonde4ful resort to go to?  I can go any day, anytime, to the throne of grace boldly and bring my petitions before the Lord.  We can find mercy and grace to help n time of need!  Talk about a vacation!  No resort on earth can match this one!  Why don’t I avail myself of it more often!
  • Faith is restored by turning back to the word of God. “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17). Faith is built by believing the word, and faith is maintained by staying in the Word – Ed Nelson, My Morning Manna, Vol. 3, p. 172
  • “The happy person is one whom God uprooted and transplanted in a place where he can reach his full potential in service for God.” – John White  Note: I am thankful that I was uprooted from the miry clay and transplanted through the blood of Jesus Christ who is my rock and my fortress.  I can stand on Him alone and reach my full potential in service for the Lord!
  • “May We learn that ther is no area of our lives so strong that Satan or the flesh will not rise up to do battle.” – Ed Nelson from My Morning Manna Vol. 3 p.128 May 6th.
  • ” No matter what changes God has performed in you, never rely on them.  Build only on a Person, the Lord Jesus Christ, and on the spirit He gives”  –  Oswald Chambers – My Utmost for His Hightest  – Jan. 5th
  • Convictions are worthless without courage ~N. Deatrick
  • Often said – A conviction is something you die for.  Better said – A conviction is something you live for  ~N. Deatrick
  • When we become Christians we take on the name of Christ. Some people need to change their ways or change their name.  ~Grant   
  • All thou needest to make thee blessed, supremely blessed, is “to be with Christ.” ~Spurgeon 
  • Jesus was born that you might be born again. He lived that you might live. He died that you might die to sin. He is risen, and today He maketh intercession for transgressors that they may be reconciled to God through Him. Come, then: believe, trust, rejoice, adore! ~Spurgeon
  • The completeness of the sacrificial work on Calvary will be matter for eternal contemplation and rejoicing, long after every sin has been, by its cleansing efficacy, washed out of our being for ever. shall we ever exhaust the fullness of the cross? ~Horatius Bonar
  • Do you ever try to do good to others? If you do, remember to tell them about Christ. Tell the young; tell the poor; tell the aged; tell the ignorant; tell the sick; tell the dying-tell them all about Christ. ~J. C. Ryle
  • There are many of us that are willing to do great things for the Lord, but few of us are willing to do little things. ~ D. L. Moody
  • Anger is temporary insanity. ~Charles Spurgeon
  • Righteousness without genuine love for God and others will soon degenerate into self-righteousness. ~Unknown
  • Has it ever struck you that the vast majority of the will of God for you life has already been revealed in the Bible? That is a crucial thing to grasp. ~Paul Little
  • “Every time circumstances press in on you, say, “Speak, Lord,” and make time to listen.”
  • Chastening is more than a means of discipline – it is meant to bring me to the point of saying, “Speak Lord.” ~Oswald Chambers in My Utmost fo His Highest
To lose your wealth is much
To lose your health is more-
To lose your soul is such a loss
That no man can restore
Mark 8:36 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
  • Personal holiness is an effect of redemption, no the cause of it. “ ~Oswald Chambers in My Utmost for His Highest
  • Countenance is more than the look on your face, it is the mirror of the divine nature in you to a lost and dying world. ~Nathan Deatrick
  • When you fight against the will of God, you only go backwards –MH
  • The greatest of all (Jesus) as servant to all (Jn. 13) What an example!-ND
  • “Convictions are worthless without change – ND
  • Often said – a conviction is something you would die for – Better said – A conviction is something you should live for.–ND
  • “Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you.”
    –1 Peter 5:7  Nothing is so sweet as to: “Lie passive in God’s hands, And know no will but His.”  If God cares for you, why need you care too? Can you trust Him for your soul, and not for your body? He has never refused to bear your burdens, He has never fainted under their weight. Come, then, soul! have done with fretful care, and leave all thy concerns in the hand of a gracious God.  ~Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening Devotional